Monday, March 1, 2010

So its been a while!

Well sorry it has been a while since I wrote on here. I am tired. Not much has changed expect Troy is 100 percent potty trained and I got my hair cut! I love it. Now I am trying to loose some weight. I need to loose 100 pounds. So who can support me in loosing the weight? My kids are doing excellent in School and I am proud of both of them. Robert has been working his butt off to support us and I am very thankful for that! I love him very much!!! I have a new friend named Jessica and she is awesome!!!
At church on Sunday I was asked to help out with girls camp and Jessica has offered to keep my kids for the days I go. Isn't she a sweetie?? I think she is too. And I am a nursery leader as well and I absolutely love it!!!! I could not ask for a better calling in life at all!!!
My Mom is coming to stay with me the next couple days while Robert is away. I am so excited to see her. I am thinking we will go and look at a couple of houses maybe and see if we can get one or not. I hope so. I am done renting!!!! I want to be buying my house you know!!! Well just a little update!!
Yesterday we went to Travis and Tiffany's for Kimberly's birthday party and wow she made out like a bandit!!! She got two cute dresses from us and some littlest pet shops. And then Grandma Helen bought her a dress and a skirt outfit. And a doll that crys real tears and pees and stuff. And Kendra bought her a cute little summer outfit and a Tinkerbell nightlight and I don't remember what else. It was a nice party tho! I will add a post on Troys birthday in a while. Have a nice day!

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Troy is our cute little 2 and a half year old. He loves to run and play! He can be a handful, but we don't love him any less. He just makes sure our life is full of excitement every day! He is in speech Therapy and it has helped a ton! He is also now being potty trained! Which I must say is about time. I was sick of buying diapers. And he is doing excellent with it. I am very proud of him. He makes me smile each and every day. He also loves animals. I can not wait until we have our own place so that he can have a dog! Here are some pictures I took of him at the park the other day! He loves to run and play and sing and watch TV! Enjoy the pictures!

Troy was running with me! We were racing to the slide, but I wanted a picture of him running!

Look at him all smiles! He got in the swing by himself and was having a blast!

Wow He kinda looks tired here! He was getting ready to go down the slide!

He was climbing up the chain thing! What a monkey!

He was being so funny! I had to take the picture of him!

How Funny!

Isn't it funny how different your own kids can be?
For instance.
Morgan loves to read to me and wants to do homework.
Scott hates reading and hates doing homework.
Both Scott and Morgan were good little kids.
And troy is a complete handful most days!
Scott would love to sit and watch TV all day.
But Morgan can not sit and watch TV all day she has to be doing stuff as well.
Troy watches TV and plays all day!
And it is just amazing to me how different kids can be!
Morgan is a tattle tail.
And Scott likes to do things that will get him in trouble so Morgan will tell on him.
Its amazing to me!
And not to mention how all kids have there own special look.

I love my kids! And my hubby!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Good Morning folks!
Well I wanted to share with you all that I have been potty training troy! And he is doing great minus pooping. Kinda gets old cleaning poop out o the underwear, but he is doing pretty good and I am so proud of him!

I am getting my high school diploma online and I have taken two tests now. The first one I got a 90 percent and the second one I got a 100 percent! I am very proud of myself!

Scott and Morgan are doing great in first grade. They love school it makes them so happy! They love eating lunch there as well!

Troy has learned so many new words sin ce being in speech. It really makes me proud of him! Although his newest favorite word that came about while potty training is fart. But he says it so cute! I just love him. Last night he was calling me a butt face. Even that was cute!

Robert is going paint ballin this weekend! And we are going to Utah November 7th! Hopefully troy will be fully potty trained by then! I am hoping! Well anyways thats all for an update for now! I will write more later!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

About Me!

Hey Everyone :))
My name is Amber Jewel.
I was born in Twin Falls Idaho.
I now reside in Idaho Falls Idaho.
I have 3 kids. Morgan RoxAnn, Scott Robert and Troy Alexander.
My favorite color: Is Cerlean blue and anything bright!
I am married to my high school sweetheart.
My anniversary is December 29th 2001.
My birthday is August 2, 1984.
I have three cats right now their name's are SnoBell, Junior, and Kali the Calico cat!
We are saving to build a house.
I have ADHD and always will have it.
I am a very proud aunt.
I am an only child.
I am currently working on my high school diploma.
I collect Cows!
I love John Deere.
I love Tinkerbeel and all other faries.
I also love butterflies.
My favorite animal is a horse.
I do not have a favorite number or lucky number.
I try tomake everyone happy.
I am very friendly.
I am high energy.
I am a cowboys fan.
I love the Radiers colors Black, White & Silver.
I have blue eyes and brown hair with blonde and red mixed in.

Well thats enough about me!