Thursday, October 8, 2009


Troy is our cute little 2 and a half year old. He loves to run and play! He can be a handful, but we don't love him any less. He just makes sure our life is full of excitement every day! He is in speech Therapy and it has helped a ton! He is also now being potty trained! Which I must say is about time. I was sick of buying diapers. And he is doing excellent with it. I am very proud of him. He makes me smile each and every day. He also loves animals. I can not wait until we have our own place so that he can have a dog! Here are some pictures I took of him at the park the other day! He loves to run and play and sing and watch TV! Enjoy the pictures!

Troy was running with me! We were racing to the slide, but I wanted a picture of him running!

Look at him all smiles! He got in the swing by himself and was having a blast!

Wow He kinda looks tired here! He was getting ready to go down the slide!

He was climbing up the chain thing! What a monkey!

He was being so funny! I had to take the picture of him!